Unless you strive for a PHD in the Word of God, all your other accomplishments are praiseworthy but spiritually insignificant.
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It is the inspired Word of God with numerous full-filled prophecies.
It provides definitive answers to otherwise unanswerable questions.
It helps us get to the Creator up close and personal.
It continues to be the best-selling book for all time in spite of fierce opposition and criticism.
It used to be taught in public schools, but not anymore.
It is the beginning of understanding and wisdom.
it is a storehouse of valuable treasure.
It thwarts lies.
Just because it is old, does not make it irrelevant. In fact, people and science are actually catching up with the Bible. There is nothing happening today that is not addressed in the Bible in some form or fashion either explicitly or implicitly.
When Christ gave up the ghost at the cross, He said, "It is finished". It begins with Genesis and ends with Revelation - the beginning of mankind and the future of mankind.
We dislike it when people say that they are interpreting the Word of God. God's Word speaks for itself. We can explain and clarify as best we can, but we cannot subject it to our small minds and limited knowledge. If something is initially unclear, just keep reading and asking for guidance, and you will find the clarity in the Word.
Do not single out a verse or passage, as many do, without reading all the scriptures that pertain to the verse and the context in which it lies.
Oftentimes in order to understand the context, you can engage other material to examine a period in time, customs, leaders, battles, etc.
Always seek credibility and accuracy and truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If understanding then fails, the time for revelation is not at hand. For God reveals things in due time. Do not trust everything you hear, read, or see (especially on television), check it out in the Word of God for truth and accuracy.
To just pick up the Bible and read it can be a bit daunting. While the Bible is perfectly written and perfectly accurate, you must pray for clarity and understanding before you begin to read. And, you must study consistently and often to keep details in the forefront of your mind. Some accounts that are difficult for some people of the 21st century to understand are the creation, the flood, the tower of Babel, the virgin birth, the deity of Jesus Christ, His crucifixion, and the end times. Also, some things are not meant for us to understand, but for us to believe and obey for God's ways are not our ways and His majesty and power are beyond our comprehension.