Equip your members to serve God where they fit best.
Spiritual gifts are tools God gives Christians to do the work of the ministry -- to fulfill the Great Commission to reach, baptize, and teach and to minister to one another. Every Christian receives at least one gift at the moment of salvation. Spiritual gifts are not rewards, are not natural talents, are not a place of service, are not an age-group ministry, and are not a specialty ministry. They express themselves through various ministries which, in turn, accomplish a variety of results. A spiritual gift is the primary channel by which the Holy Spirit ministers through the believer. It is a supernatural capacity for service to God -- and He gives you a supernatural desire to perform the duties of that gift. Spiritual gifts are tools for building the church. They are a source of joy in your Christian life and influence your motives. A spiritual gift is a divine calling with a divine responsibility, because what God has gifted you to do, He has called you to do, and what He has called you to do, He has gifted you to do
There are three categories of gifts:
The Miraculous Gifts, generally known today as Charismatic Gifts;
the Enabling Gifts which all Christians have the ability to develop (faith, discernment, wisdom, and knowledge -- qualities possessed rather than activities performed);
Team Gifts which are activity, service, or task oriented. The Team Gifts are functional and involve speaking or ministering. Chances are, you have several of these gifts that vary in different degrees and intensity. In many cases, spiritual gifts even complement your secular employment.
Choosing a Ministry:
The Spiritual Gifts Now you are Christ's body, and each of you a limb or organ of it. Within our community, God has appointed, in the first place apostles, in the second place prophets, thirdly teachers; then miracle-workers, then those who have gifts of healing, or ability to help others or power to guide them, or the gift of ecstatic utterance of various kinds. (1 Corinthians 12:27-28)
A. Apostles Messengers sent on a mission with specific orders and delegated authority. To be an apostle, one had to have been directly commissioned by Christ and had been an eyewitness to the resurrection. Paul seem to indicate that apostles and prophets were for the founding of the Church.
B. Prophets Proclaimers of the divine revelation, those who interpret and apply the scriptures for current use. Those who get their messages by divine revelation or directly from God.
C. Teachers One who maintains and promotes sound Christian doctrine.
D. Social Workers Workers of miracles, healers, and helpers. Practical service accompanies the preaching of the gospel. Deacons come into play here.
E. Administrators Those in charge of church discipline, persons of gravity, experience, and wisdom.
F. Speakers Those who can speak in various kinds of tongues. Overwhelming religious emotion expressed in ecstatic utterances. In Ephesians 4, we find... apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
G. Evangelists Those who proclaim the gospel in the church and at large and to the world as missionaries.
H. Pastors and Teachers The local pastoral ministers of particular congregations.
A List of Spiritual Gifts How Many Do You Have?
Preaching/Ministry (pastoring, preaching, giving service, inspired utterance)
Teaching (ability to convey in a learning setting)
Exhortation (ability to encourage and stimulate faith)
Giving (contributing, generous, sharing)
Leadership (authority, ruling, administration)
Mercy (sympathetic, comfort to the sorrowing, showing kindness)
Wisdom (ability to give wise advice and speak wisely)
Knowledge (study of the Word; speaking with knowledge)
Healing (human intermediary through which God cures illness and restores health apart from natural means)
Miracles (doing great deeds)
Discerning of spirits (discrimination in spiritual matters)
Tongues (ability to speak in languages that you have never learned, ecstatic utterance)
Interpretation of tongues (ability to understand in the vernacular the message)
Apostle (gift of exercising spiritual leadership over a number of churches)
Administration (ability to govern and to get others to work together)
Evangelist (gift of sharing the gospel with unbelievers)
Celibacy (continence; preferring to remain unmarried and avoiding the lusts of the flesh) Voluntary Poverty (to forego the luxury and materialistic trappings of life)
Martyrdom (to suffer with Christ)
Hospitality (the gift of making people feel warm and welcome and accommodating their needs)
Missionary (the ability to evangelize in a different culture or setting)
----(Source: Memphis Theological Seminary School)